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Thompson's Take On Disney

Disney World, "the happiest place on earth." Disney has a special meaning for our family, as it does with most Americans. Everyone has a memory tied to something related to Disney. From my parents watching the first Mickey Mouse cartoon to our little's now watching the "classic" Disney movies. Yours could be a favorite cartoon character, reenacting Cinderella, or just watching all the Disney movies, the possibilities are endless. Most memories that you can relate to Disney are happy ones. Our memories aren't just happy; they are sappy. The thought of our Disney memories brings me to tears, happy blubbering tears.

"Who says we have to grow up?" ~ Walt Disney

Disney was the start and {almost} the end to Trey and I. Disney was where my family got to (really) meet Trey for the first time, this includes my parents. Prior my family coming over from Sweden, my mom mentioned to Maria that I had a boyfriend, but they have only met a few brief times. When they came over, they were persistent on meeting Trey. What better way to meet my boyfriend than a crash course week-long family vacation. Hindsight, when I think of that situation, I laugh. If my boys wanted me to invite their partners on a Disney trip ($$$$) after only a few months of dating, on my dime.. HA! Nope.

However, I am very fortunate to have a family that was willing to take the risk, by risk I mean financial, and really wanted him to be a part of this. It paid off. My family adored Trey as much as I.

Fast forward to four years later, we are married, have one rad boy, and (dun dun dun) brain cancer. 2014 was a rough year for our family. After the first round of cancer treatments, my parents asked Trey what he wanted. He responded, "I want to do something for little man, he has been such a trooper during all of this." If my heart wasn't already a puddle for this man, it was at this point. Cancer was hard for everyone, but it tore Trey apart when he could not do anything with Kasen. My parents threw out the idea of Disney for his spring break. After going back and forth, Trey looked at me and said: "he deserves this Shandy." He was right. End of December we booked everything. By the end of January Trey was sick again. Full symptoms, ending up with his second tumor diagnosis. February we started another treatment, and also found out we were pregnant. I immediately wanted to back out of Disney. It felt like it was too much. Trey still needed a walker to get around, had minimal vision in his right eye, his paralysis, and the most critical dilemma I couldn't ride any rides. Nevertheless, Trey insisted this trip was still going to happen, it had to happen.

"You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you."

~ Walt Disney

Our 2015 Disney trip was an emotional roller coaster. The Disney resort went above and beyond by catering to my husband's needs. While facing physical hardships, we had emotional freedom. The trip brought to our attention our kid hated fireworks, and to our surprise he has patience. The hour-long ride waits were something Kasen was willing to do; we were pretty shocked. It was where Trey was able to see his son light up over a magical elephant, fly his magic carpet, and (fearfully) cry over meeting Mickey for the first time. It gave Trey a sense of peace; he was able to take his kid to Disney, even though we did not know the same would be for our second. Disney allowed Trey to be apart of Kasen's fun, even if it meant from a distance. Disney was where we announced to my parents they were going to be grandparents again. Our 2015 Disney trip was beautiful and scary all at once. We weren't sure what our future held, but on this trip everything was perfect. We were a happy family.

Fast forward exactly three years later, here we are. Instead of one boy, we have two. It was minimal prep to make this trip happen, comparatively to previous trips. This trip we did not need a wheelchair, a walker, a constant ice machine run for Trey's neck. The only accommodation we required this round were corn dogs for Tiny. (Shout out to Shades of Green for making that happen! The real MVP.) This trip we were able to partake in all the activities with our boys, rather than watching at a distance. Kasen this year decided he enjoys all the rides. Paxton wanted to stay on every ride, and lit up like a Christmas tree over every Disney character. He even got tickled by BUZZ! Oma and Pop Pop got to enjoy the magic of Disney again through a child's eyes. (If you have not experienced this look, it may be the most magical thing about Disney.) Although we still aren't sure on the future, this trip feels like closure. There will be future Disney trips, but none of them like before. We are a-okay with that. These trips could not have been possible without my parents, and our resorts exceptional service. Thanks for the memories Disney, until next time (aka when your Star Wars theme park opens!)!

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." ~ Walt Disney

My Prince Charming & Happily Ever After



©2016 by Inside and Out as a Thompson.

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