Chapter Review 2017
It is the ending of another year, but it still hasn't sunk in that in just a few days it will be 2018. In all honesty, I will write 2017 until the beginning of March, as I do every new year. This year just went by so fast for our family. I am not sure if this is just because we are getting older, or if this year was at warp speed. Somehow our years become more eventful, maybe packed would be a better word choice. In 2016 our family planned for 2017 to be relatively low key with minimal obligations. About a month in, our plans were already changing. Isn't it funny how life never goes as planned?
Out of all of the amazing things we did in 2017, only one was on the agenda, Trey's masters. Although that went as planned, the remainder of our year did not. This year we traveled a lot, from an unexpected trip to Europe, where we trekked through three countries in 9 days to just traveling state side to see what Florida has to offer. We also threw in some impromptu trips exploring the Carolina's. To top it off, this summer Trey scored a sweet bro only surf trip to Costa Rica (Thanks, Kevin.). We were lucky to be a part of some pretty fabulous weddings this year too. We watched some of our favorite people solidify their loving commitment to one another and join the marriage train. Then the obvious of making our blog go public, which was unexpected as this blog was started for more personal use - but hey, some people enjoy reading about our random life. Right?
Our boys grew so much this year. It is insane to look back at pictures from the beginning of the year. Our immediate thoughts are "man that was so long ago!" but it wasn't, they just grew that much in a year. Our little man decided to keep up the Thompson tradition and got into surfing. This past year he entered his first surf contest, although no winner he enjoyed it nonetheless and is ready for next years contests. He says "next time I will be ready, I was so close this time." He also thrived in his robotics class and has been asked to join the team next year, hashtag Nerd Life. Another big surprise was him wanting to start riding dirt bikes. For those that don't personally know our son, he is scared of anything "fast" whether it is a roller coaster or a tire swing, it petrifies him. Our teeny tiny has come a long way as well. He is finally talking and starting to understand what we say and why we say it. Tiny is very much the opposite of his brother. He is our risk taker, our adrenaline junkie. While Kasen is content inside building his all in one Lego robot/octopus/spaceship, that does not entertain Paxton. He will wreck every room while he makes his way to the backyard. However, outside is his zen. He is happiest "helping" in the garden or tending to the bugs. We have learned to pick our battles now more than ever.
In addition to the fun we had in 2017, we had some financial and personal changes that came with it. Cancer is still expensive, but we have officially been knocked down to two scans a year. (Yay, for a stable tumor!) Even with insurance, 2k a scan is a bit of a burden; this change will be welcomed in 2018. Personally, this was a year of accepting change for us. As a family, we learned that change doesn't mean bad, and is a necessary part of life. Our family has learned that educating oneself, and discussing conflicting topics is the best way to understand one another. Sometimes learning about the issue of discussion will lead to disagreements, but that is okay. We are learning to accept these differences, and different views each person has. As Trey always says, "controversy makes the world go round" and affords quality discussions at the dinner table. All in all, we are excited about the adventures and changes ahead in 2018. From our family to yours, Happy New Year, may it be as beautiful (or interesting) as 2017.
