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Thompson's Take On a Bucket List

Everyone has a bucket list. Things they want to do, see, before they "kick the bucket". Back in 2014 when Trey got sick, and I felt my world slowly getting smaller, I started thinking bigger. There was so much I wanted to do with this man before he kicked the bucket; he couldn't go now. That night, after his brain surgery, when there was no sleep to be had as he had neurology checks every two hours. Instead of dwelling on the lack of sleep, I was creating our bucket list. Things we were going to do before he left Kasen and I. 2014 wasn't allowed to be our ending.

While our personal lists do contain travel, it is mostly personal goals, such as becoming fluent in another language, or reading a book a month. Our personal bucket lists are all different from each other, but we have created a family list. We noticed that these were items that we shared on all of our lists.

The Thompson (starter) Bucket List

1. Visit every continent at least once.

2. See snow and have a snowball fight. Little man is set on having a snowball fight.

3. Camping, lots and lots of camping.

4. Northern Lights.

5. Visit Hawaii

6. Stand next to a Sequoia and Red Wood trees.

7. Swim with the pigs on pig beach.

8. Visit Galapagos Islands

9. Whale watching.

10. Camp/Hike Patagonia

11. Go on a real Safari.

12. Dive the Great Barrier Reef

13. See the Greek ruins and run through the blue and white towns on the coast.

14. Lay on the beaches in Croatia

15. Visit the Amazon

16. Walk through ancient temples throughout Asia - there are so many.

17. See the Pyramids, and ride a camel

18. Visit New Zealand and love on a Kiwi

19. Explore Australia

20. Experience the Atacama Desert

21. Banff Canada

22. Swim with wild marine life (the bigger the better)

23. Do at least 10 of America's BEST national parks - we have criteria we have made for ones to qualify to be “the best.” When the time comes we will disclose what made these our top contenders.

24. See the natural beauty of fall. Here in Florida our leaves stay green basically until February and then they just disappear.

25. Do all the Florida theme parks

26. Visit Mars, aka Antelope Canyon

27. Visit Indonesia

28. Go surfing as a family

29. Cuba

30. The All American Road Trip

Although our travel list continues to grow. If we are able to complete half of what we have here, I will consider that a win. Since having Tiny we have only accomplished one thing on our list as a family. Our 2018 travel plans are basically set in stone. We will be able to cross off a few items on our families travel list along with quite a few on our personal list. 2018 will be our last year traveling outside the country without the boys. We plan to start exploring outside the U.S. as a family in 2019. With that being said our 2019 plans have already started forming. I know that sounds crazy but this is how we are able to figure out budget as well itineraries.

Travel or achievements, they are good to put down so you can set timelines and work towards your goals. Have you put together your bucket list?

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