Modern day Super Hero

It is only suiting that today falls on social medias "Man Crush Monday (MCM)". Today is a special day in our home, as it changed the way we lived forever. Three years ago today Trey went into an almost 8 hour brain surgery to remove a malignant tumor on his brain stem. Although time has passed, it still feels like yesterday. I can still feel how I felt during those days. I remember sitting in the surgery waiting area alone, trying to think of anything else but cancer, or an intense brain surgery, but I couldn't. For months after his surgery, I remember helping him up and down for EVERYTHING. I remember him trying to hold onto me and reassure me that everything was going to be fine, even though his right side of his body was numb. I remember calling my dad, bawling my eyes out on the kitchen floor after his second cancer diagnosis. Just preparing myself for the worst, while praying for the best. These were times I will never forget, nor will he. Crazy to think Trey and I were only married a little over a year at this time, but we were already so solid in our relationship. As traumatic as these life events were, they somehow did not even phase us. Don't get me wrong I had my share of mini break downs, but every day was just "another day". We learned to treat every day like a blessing, however it's sad it took such a life threatening experience for us to realize this.

Our lives have not changed much since then, with quarterly scans, school, work, and a new addition to the family. However, my husband is not my super hero because he battles cancer, or that he is slaying a masters degree while raising a family. He is my rock, my everything. For those that know me, know I am an intense human, a bit of an alpha female. It truly takes a strong man to be with a strong woman. I will admit that is a task within itself. I dream big, and I make (a lot of) lists of places to visit, and he always finds a way to help make them happen. From doing something local to traveling afar, we make an "adventure" a month. Traveling has always been something I really valued, and wanted to continue to pursue as an adult. Trey has no problem day dreaming with me and planning our vacations for the following year. You read that correct, we plan our trips a year in advanced. I know I am crazy, we will save that story for another day. Not only does he keep up with my never ending travel dreams, he can keep up with me physically. I'm an energetic person, always on the go, and my husband does not struggle to keep up. I love having a forever gym partner. Since cancer Trey made a huge life change, for the better. From never lifting a weight, to fitting in two a days, and pushing me out of the bed when my 5 am alarm goes off. We both do better emotionally when we feel better physically.

On top of just keeping up with my wants, Trey keeps up with my needs (get your head out of the gutter). Trey has never had a problem helping around the house. From cooking, mopping, and even helping wash dirty diapers, if something needs to be done he will do it. I love that we can rotate on laundry, mopping duty, or any other household chore. It is also no secret that Trey is a magnificent cook. I love coming home every day to a delicious home cook meal. Parents can relate to "HELL hour", which starts around 4 p.m. for us and ends basically at bedtime. Not having to worry about cooking after a long day at work and snagging up Tiny is a lifesaver. I found a true and genuine partnership. I could go on and on, on why this person is my super hero, and why I love him so much... But I will spare you the additional mush. We don't really go big for birthdays, but we certainly always celebrate September 11th in our home. However, right now Trey is in Florida while the kids and I are avoiding Irma in North Carolina. Although it isn't ideal for a family weekend, I am sending some love and positivity your way. I wish I was there to celebrate a day of life with you, but I know you are enjoying the break even if it is dealing with an insane storm. Enjoy playing in your dad band, and we can't wait to see you come Tuesday. We will celebrate when get home. I love you Trey W. Thompson!!!